Open-Source vs Proprietary Networking Software

October 15, 2021


Networking software is an essential tool for businesses of all sizes. It allows for communication between devices, data sharing, and data security. However, there are two types of networking software available in the market - open-source and proprietary. Open-source software has its source code publicly available and can be modified and distributed as desired. Proprietary software, on the other hand, is owned by a private company, with its source code inaccessible and licensing fees required.

There is an ongoing debate on which type of software is better suited for business needs. In this article, we will do a factual comparison between the two types and see if numerical data can resolve the argument.


One of the most significant differences between open-source and proprietary software is the cost. Open-source software is generally free to use, with no licensing fees required. This makes it an ideal option for businesses on a tight budget. On the other hand, proprietary software requires licensing fees, making it a more expensive option.

Customizability and Flexibility

Open-source software allows businesses to customize the software to their specific needs. The source code is publicly available, making modifications possible. This flexibility can be beneficial, especially for larger businesses that have specific requirements.

On the contrary, proprietary software has limited customizability. The software is developed by a private company to meet their vision and specific requirements, meaning that businesses must work with what is available.


Security is a central concern for businesses of all types. Open-source software has its source code publicly available, making it a target for cybercriminals. However, because the source code is visible to the public, any security flaws can be identified and fixed quickly. On the other hand, proprietary software has limited visibility into its code, making it harder to identify and patch security flaws.

Now, let's take a look at some numbers that could assist in our comparison between open-source and proprietary networking software:

Type of Comparison Open-Source Proprietary
Number of Users Over 183 million Less than 1 million
Number of Contributions Over 33 million Less than 1 million
Number of Projects Over 100,000 Less than 50,000
Top Open-Source Projects Linux, Apache, WordPress Microsoft Windows Server, Cisco
Top Proprietary Providers Cisco, Juniper, F5 Networks Cisco, Juniper, F5 Networks


Open-source and proprietary networking software both have their advantages and disadvantages. Open-source software is generally more cost-effective and flexible, while proprietary software offers greater security and limited customizability. Ultimately, the choice depends on business needs and budget.

While these numbers may seem convincing, it is essential to understand that these figures are subjective and are not a definitive answer on which software is better. Companies need to evaluate their unique needs carefully before selecting the software best suited for them.


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